We offer a range of voice messages services for your Auto Attendant, Voicemail, Holiday Messages & Hold Message to use with our cloud phone system. From AI generated, to professional audio with music, we can help.
Active client with positive reviews
Voice messages generated by AI, using text to speech.
We have a range of British accents, both male and female. You can use our AI generator in the My Account area, once your order is placed. You can create as many messages as you need and test, before saving with a fee of £11 per message.
Professional custom message templates, just fill in the fields.
Male / Female Voice (Please choose)Welcome to your [company name here],
For [department here] please press 1
For [department here] press 2….
For [department here] it’s 3…
And for any other enquiries please press 4
To repeat the menu press 0
You’ve reached the [company name here] voicemail messaging system-please leave a brief message after the tone and we’ll get back to you very shortly.
Thank you for calling [company name here]. Our office hours are [nine am to five thirty pm Monday to Friday, except Bank Holidays]. If you’d like to leave a message, please stay on the line to be connected to our voicemail.
Consultation by specialist voice professional to advise and provide the best solution. Script drafts and editing with customer sign off and then made into bespoke, studio quality recordings.
1 Auto Attendant Message
1 Voicemail Message
1 Holiday Message
1 Licence Free Hold Music
From small independent businesses to enterprise level organisations, we deliver the right solution everytime.
Block & Portfolio Management Director
A great service provided as always, and problems resolved in an efficient and effective manner. Great communication and someone is always available when needed, even the Director! Thank you for your continued support!
Managing Director
A great company all round who provide our site to site phone systems along with our mobiles and broadband services. Always available when contacted and they provide an exceptional level of support!
Managing Director / Owner
We have used their services for over 10 years now and always find their support and service levels to be the best we have experienced.
Managing Director / Owner
Went above and beyond providing a communications solution to our very challenging underground business. A full one stop solution including phones, broadband, CCTV, meshed WiFi and 5G. Impressive company!
Managing Director
Great company who provide us with brilliant support, systems and services throughout our many sites. Always on hand to help when we need it most!
Managing Director / Owner
Vaillant House
Trident Close
0345 450 9667
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We have been a customer for many years and it has to be said we have received outstanding customer service throughout. Their knowledge, experience and understanding of our requirements are second to none. Our business relies on a cost effective, guaranteed delivery and reliable support service, of which they always achieve. Great team and thank you for all your help over the years.